Monday, November 28, 2016

project 02b :: final layout & synopsis

After several more class meetings and a few more meetings with our clients, we decided on the section order, page size, typeface, grid system, general page layout (how body text/captions/photos should be treated to create uniformity throughout), and a title!

Following is my final solution for the section I was responsible for:

Overall, I am pleased with the decisions we made as a class about the design of the layout. I like the incorporation of the religious symbol, in the same color as the bar on the section title page spread. I also like the size of the images, and specifically in my section how I was able to maintain a consistent visual line with the bottom of the images. 

This project was frustrating at times because there were so many of us attempting to make formal and organizational decisions that would have been much simpler had one person made the choice from the start. However, it was great experience working on a collaborative design project for specific clients. I got firsthand experience with how communication works between clients and designers. It is so crucial for the designer to ask the right questions to uncover the intent of the client, and to explain the process to the client in a way that makes sense and helps the client see what the designer sees. I also appreciate the insight I got into all the considerations a designer must take into account when designing a book. From start to finish, we thought about intent of the book, the content, the price of printing (with different variations of paper quality, cover quality, binding, and page size) in relation to the budget we were working with, the formal elements of the page design, and the visual and ideological rhythm of the spreads within each section and throughout the book as a whole. All that in addition to making sure the content is accurate and legible!

I am proud to have played a part in creating the design for this collaborative project, and am excited to see the final book when it is printed and published!

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